Saturday, July 17, 2021

Spending the day in a colourful way, blue upon blue upon blue. Psychadelicatessen, fricasse chorus girls thigh, toffee and mackerel gateau, pineapple pie in the sky (The Rutles)

Paul Delvaux's Lunar Phases III
Wie geht's?

Our visit to the surrealist art exhibition at Te Papa recently was a great creative punch in the arm.

As soon as Jacky and I saw the exhibition advertised on television we both said - we've got to see that.

It certainly didn't disappoint. 

Three artists I wasn't too familiar with (almost) stole the show for me: Man Ray for his sense of humour; Paul Delvaux and his Lunar Phases III in particular - I stared at for a good five minutes; and Max Ernst.

Almost stole the show, because Salvador Dali's work is a thing apart.

But Max Ernst! Wow. 

I picked up a copy of his graphic collage novel that was lying around - A week of kindness or the seven deadly elements (1933). The images (detail from one is above) are (literally) extraordinary. I see the book is available still from places like the Book Depository so I've ordered a copy.

I'm looking forward to getting lost in those surreal images again, spending some real time on it and trying to decipher a storyline.  

Love and peace - Wozza

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