Monday, July 26, 2021

Blackberry Way, see the battlefields of care or sins cast to the winds (The Move)

Looking east

Wie geht's?

Call it bramble, call it blackberry, call it Rubus Cuneifolius, sand blackberry, western dewberry, Rubus Fruticosus, Rubus Ursinus, dewberry bush, true blackberry, western blackberry, running blackberry, dewberry. Whatever.

It's still a pain, as I've mentioned before - it's deja vu all over again.

During the study break, Jacky and I finished off two massive blackberry bushes on our boundary fence after we had Richard, our local gardener for hire, cut it all down with his specialised equipment. Given it had grown over 5 metres tall, it took some cutting down!

Jacky and I loaded it all up via a tarp on the harrows behind the quad bike and towed the branches to our burn pile. Took four trips - there was a lot of bramble!

This post is not really about the bramble though. Oh no.

You see, it had engulfed two trees that we could see from our kitchen window and so our view east towards Takapau and the Oruawharo hills behind the town were largely obscured but now they are clearly visible!

I do love that view east from that window. The view changes frequently through the day, and now I can enjoy it without being bothered by that pesky bramble - it was always a job staring me in the face.

Love and peace - Wozza

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