Monday, January 15, 2024

Play that funky music white boy (Wild Cherry)

Wie geht's?

Recently a friend of a friend gave me his record collection to sell on his behalf. Which I'm working on.

He didn't look after his records particularly well though so I've had to throw quite a few away, including a large number of singles (a.k.a. 45s).

An internet artist I subscribe to once told how he came across a whole bunch of singles left out at the curbside - subsequently they had all melted in the sun but he took them home anyway and made a Spotify Playlist called Melted 45s.

I loved that idea because the music of someone else's collection is totally random.

So, I decided to make a Spotify playlist of the unplayable singles I was about to throw out (I hate throwing away books and records!!)

Here it is - Wozza's Found 45s.

While I was at it, I also decided to make a playlist of my own singles collection (all playable but how often do I play them all? Never!) 

It's a big collection so I split it into Wozza's Fab 45s (non Beatle related) and Wozza's Fab Four 45s (solo Beatles and related).

Love and peace - Wozzaaa

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