Monday, September 9, 2024

The eagle laughs at you, just barely walking (Jackie Lomax)

Trees on the right are by the river (magpie in there somewhere)

Wie geht's?

This one is about a magpie that warns me off his patch with a succession of strafing runs.

One of my weekend walks is along a stop bank beside a local river. On one side is pasture land and on t'other - stands of trees.

For the last 5 or so walks I've got about halfway and suddenly seen a magpie sitting high up in the branches, watching me keenly. He has then dive bombed me repeatedly and swooped down, close to my head. Even me flailing around with a stick hasn't deterred him. 

Each time, as I've turned around and walked away, he's given me one final attack run before flying off.

It's pretty scary and I must look like a madman as I take preventative measures.

I know it's his turf, even though it's a public walkway, so I don't want to report him in case he gets terminated with extreme prejudice.

Anyway, enough! Guess I'll just have to find a different walkway.

Love and peace - Wozza

1 comment:

KWS said...

You're in the Hawkes Bay Wozza ... Boooooooom !