Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One day at a time is good for you (Johnny Rhythm)

Whanau birthdays come thick and fast at this time of the year (especially for Ross' bunch).

Birthday wishes from sand land then, to Ginger Bear (a.k.a. Scott Graham Purdy) - 6th Roctober; Teenie Weenie - 12th Roctober; Lynda Maree Purdy - 9th Roctober; Ross Graham Purdy - 18th Roctober and Hayden Ross Purdy - 23rd Roctober.

And, although not technically part of the whanau, Roctober 9 is forever associated with John and Sean Lennon. Hope it was a good one Sean (you never know he might google his name and make his way here).

Love and Peace - Uncle Warren (a.k.a. big brother)

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